Hey! It is so good to have you here and we can't wait to share everything IBM is all about
Our classes are held by Tanya whom boasts over 20yrs experience in child development as well as in an Internationally accredited baby massage instructor, Bowen therapist, OFM & remedial therapist alongside being a mum and grandmother herself. During the classes you will learn many different skills alongside other parents and bubs, creating not only a special time for you and your child but also many new friendships.
Using the skills of baby massage, allows Tanya to guide beautiful bonding sessions whilst teaching invaluable skills such as how to clear your little ones sinuses, stimulate that body to brain connect, relieve digestion issues and so much.
Infantastic Baby Massage is located in Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Western Australia with classes available online, small groups by request or one-one supports.
Infantastic Baby Massage
Taking care of the little ones in your life

“Nothing is so healing as the human touch”
Bobby Fischer
What You Need
What you need if doing massage at home

1. A baby/toddler/child
(haha no but seriously)
Get your child, yes they can really be any age, and get them to lay down in front of you. Make sure they are in a good mood (so not hungry or over tired) and comfortable so it can be handy to have a towel or blanket underneath them.
Something to Massage with
You're going to need something to massage with. In clinic we have an amazing massage balm designed for use onย bubs which you can purchase or otherwise you can use coconut oil. We don't recommend using olive oil or vegetable oil as they are the wrong pH and can block your babies skin.
A comfy space
Get yourself settled and comfortable, remember massage is calming for both the giver and receiver so make sure you are comfortable, there are limited distractions and enjoy this time with your little one. Have an older child? Give them a doll and they can join in too!